Pedro Antão Martins
Pedro Antão Martins has been the Senior Network Architect for NOS since 2001. He has a Computer Science Degree and a MBA.
Pedro is a Network Architect with track in telecommunications industry with more than 20 years of experience. Over the last years his focus has been in the Mobile Backhaul Architectures based on IP/ETH and MPLS network, with special focus within the timing synchronization domain for the mobile environment. Currently, his focus is on 5G networks evolutions and all related aspect regarding architecture, performance on the underlay transport network.
Pedro is also following the radio access network split, enthusiastic regarding the OpenRan / vRAN architectures, and V2X environments, regarding the network architecture and all related timing synchronization.
He has solid experience within the lab environment, conceiving the network environment design, and performance measurement with test & measurement tools.