Mike Gilson

Technical Specialist

Mike has played a major role in developing and implementing BT's Time and timing strategy from 1988 to present day. He has represented BT on various national and international working groups and standards committees including EURESCOM, ETSI, ITU, IETF and also UK regulatory bodies. He is currently actively contributing to ITU-T SG15 (Transport Networks, Systems & Equipment) on the synchronization question (Q13). He is also on the steering committee for the International Timing and Sync Forum (ITSF). He joined BT Lab’s in 1983 and then worked on various advanced transmission projects, before moving into the area of synchronisation and timing. He received a BA (Hons) degree in Business Studies from the University of East Anglia in 1996 and is a Member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET). He is currently responsible for BT’s Timing platforms and leads a team developing new timing technology.

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