- Timing for the IoT Panel Discussion
- Software Semantics and APIs for the Efficient Use of Time in Time Sensitive Systems
- Life After LORAN - A Future for Terrestrial Radio Sync
- Connecting UTC Standards Through Telecom
- eLoran Trials In and Around the UK for Time and Position
- Improving the Robustness of GPS Receivers to Defend Against Spoofing/Cyber Attacks
- Building Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Where Precise Temporal Semantics are Correct by Construction
- Phase Delivery Over PTP Unaware Networks
- IEEE 1588 Working Group Update
- ATIS and Future Synchronization Needs
- The Importance of Defining Network Limits: Challenges with the Partial Timing Support
- The Need for Speed and its Impact on Sync
- Use of Multi-Master PTP to Mitigate Faulty Masters Reporting as Healthy
- Network Upgrade Option to Simplify PTP Slave Operation
- Partial Timing Support - Performance Under Environmental Stress
- Real Performance of Assisted Partial Timing Supply
- Enhanced PRTC Architecture and Technology
- Primary Reference Clocks in Telecommunications Networks: PR(T)C, ePRTC, cnPRTC
- Synchronization in an NFV World
- The Role of Small Cells in Meeting the 1000x Challenge
- Plug and Sync: A Self-Discovering and Self-Configuring Timing Network for the Enterprise
- Add Transparent Clock to Equipment and Verify Behavior Via PDV Test Cases
- Keynote: Needs for a Reliable Time Reference in Emerging Networks
- IEEE 1588 Telecommunications Certification Program
- The Care and Feeding of a Network Sync Test Lab
- PDV Templates and Metrics for Predicting Time Error Behavior
- Characterizing Time Performance Over a Network
- The Next Generation Hetnet and the Transfer of Time
- Phase Delivery in the Brownfield World
- Report on GPS Jamming Trials and Criminal Use of Jammers
- Timing in Cyber-Physical Systems
- The Application of Synchronization in Today’s World
- Synchronization for Small Cells
- Are We There Yet?
- IoT - The Internet of Timing?
- Synchronized Network Analytics and Real-Time Performance Optimization - II
- Keynote Address: Network Evolution Towards 5G?
- Standards
- Timing in Packet Networks
- Timing in TDM Networks
- The Good, Bad and Ugly of GPS Antenna Systems
- Phase Locked Loops and Oscillators
- Timing Reference Sources and Atomic Clocks
- Fundamental Need for Sync; Introduction to Clocks